Gem Trek’s LAKE LOUISE & YOHO MAP is designed for visitors looking to explore one of North America’s premier day hiking destinations. Whether you are new to hiking or experienced in backcountry travel, you’ll find the waterproof and tear-resistant Lake Louise & Yoho Map to be an invaluable tool.
This map features detailed cartography, accurate hiking trails with distances, and details such as campgrounds, lodges, huts, teahouses, and picnic areas.
On the reverse side of the map are photos and trail descriptions of 11 recommended day hikes covered on the main map, ranging from easy lakeshore walks to more demanding hikes into alpine country.
Four overnight or multi-day trips are also featured, along with contact information for two backcountry lodges, Skoki Lodge and Twin Falls Chalet.
The Lake Louise & Yoho Map includes:
- Waterproof and tear-resistant paper
- Contour lines at 25-metre (80-foot) intervals
- Relief shading to better show the topography
- Full colour on both sides
- Hiking trails – with trail names and trail distances marked
- Mountain biking trails – with trail names and distances marked
- Hydrology – rivers, rapids, glaciers, wetlands, and waterfalls
- Mountain names and all available mountain elevations
- All campgrounds
- Points of interest and attractions
- Picnic areas
- Highway viewpoints