Gem Trek’s BEST OF LAKE LOUISE MAP is the perfect tool for visitors to Lake Louise that are looking for detailed information on the destination combined with the most accurate and up to date map available printed on waterproof and tear-resistant paper.
Like all Gem Trek maps, the Best of Lake Louise Map features detailed cartography and accurate hiking trails with distances, elevation gain, and directions to the trailhead noted. On the back of the map are descriptions of what to see and do at Lake Louise, details of scenic drives, and recommended hikes.
The Best of Lake Louise Map includes:
- Waterproof and tear-resistant paper
- Contour lines at 25-metre (80-foot) intervals
- Relief shading to better show the topography
- Full colour on both sides
- Hiking trails – with trail names and trail distances marked
- Detailed descriptions of popular hiking trails on reverse side of map
- Hydrology – rivers, rapids, glaciers, and waterfalls
- Mountain names and all available mountain elevations
- All campgrounds
- Points of interest and attractions
- Picnic areas
- Highway viewpoints